The bird itself is 47 cm. tall and is created with a wire feed welder, filling in over an armature, the feathers are steel flat bar. Bronze copies pending. The painting in the background is a section of an acrylic seaweed painting (printed with a piece of seaweed) on hardboard.
Creativity is not a miracle, you just need an eye, imagination, hand skills and the drive to do a lot of work. And its unlikely to make you wealthy, but that doesn't matter because money, as nice as it might be to roll in occasionally is not treasure. If you think otherwise just look at your middle class wages since the fifties -going up nominally and crumbling in terms of the cost of living. So you are always making more and yet can afford less.
I raise my own food, and do top notch carpentry, reasonable boilermaking, make my own diesel fuel, fix my own machinery, and play at contrarian investing on the international markets, all of which seems enough to survive on which is just as well since nobody wants you on the job sites once you reach your sixties. Anyway I'd rather stay home.
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